version = 2.3.1 # Note: Please restart minecraft to apply changes in config [Steel Tools And Weapons] # Wood:0 Stone:1 Iron:2 Diamond:3 Netherite:4 # Default:2 steel_item_harvest_level = 2 # Default:484 steel_item_durability = 484 # Wood:2 Stone:4 Iron:6 Diamond:8 Netherite:9 Gold:12 # Default:6.5 steel_item_efficiency = 6.5 # Wood:15 Stone:5 Iron:14 Diamond:10 Netherite:15 Gold:22 # Default:16 steel_item_enchantability = 16 # Default:6 steel_sword_damage = 6 # Default:1.6 steel_sword_attack_speed = 1.6 # Default:9 steel_axe_damage = 9.0 # Default:0.9 steel_axe_attack_speed = 0.9 # Default:460 steel_shears_durability = 460 # Default:88 quartz_and_steel_durability = 88 [Steel Armors] # Determines durability # Leather:5 Chain:15 Iron:15 Diamond:33 Netherite:37 Gold:7 # Default:20 steel_armor_maxDamageFactor = 20 # Leather:15 Chain:12 Iron:9 Diamond:10 Netherite:15 Gold:25 # Default:11 steel_armor_enchantability = 11 # Leather:1 Chain:2 Iron:2 Diamond:3 Netherite:3 Gold:2 # Default:2 steel_armor_helmet_armor = 2 # Leather:3 Chain:5 Iron:6 Diamond:8 Netherite:8 Gold:5 # Default:6 steel_armor_chestplate_armor = 6 # Leather:2 Chain:4 Iron:5 Diamond:6 Netherite:6 Gold:3 # Default:5 steel_armor_leggings_armor = 5 # Leather:1 Chain:1 Iron:2 Diamond:3 Netherite:3 Gold:1 # Default:2 steel_armor_boots_armor = 2 # Leather:0 Chain:0 Iron:0 Diamond:2 Netherite:3 Gold:0 # Default:1 steel_armor_toughness = 1.0 # Leather:0 Chain:0 Iron:0 Diamond:0 Netherite:0.1 Gold:0 # Default:0 steel_armor_knockbackResistance = 0.0 [Steel Golem] # Max health is capped at 1024 by minecraft # Default:150 steel_golem_max_health = 150.0 # Default:15 steel_golem_attack_damage = 15.0 # Using steel ingots to steel golem heals it by this value # Default:37.5 steel_golem_use_ingot_heal = 37.5 # Movement speed seems only apply to newly created golem after changing config # Default:0.25 steel_golem_movement_speed = 0.25